Your physiotherapy in munich neuhausen
Your health is my number one priority.
Prevention is better than cure. Many common diseases could be prevented, or at least reduced, by early onset physiotherapy. Nowadays, physical problems are often caused by too little exercise or incorrect posture in leisure time and at work.
Physiotherapy, formerly known as physiotherapy, is primarily intended to restore, improve or maintain the human body’s ability to move and function. In doing so, the treatment is based on the complaints and the functional and activity restrictions, which was determined during a detailed anamnesis.
A detailed anamnesis and the holistic treatment approach enables me to support you in getting back into everyday life after injuries and operations and to increase your performance.
Private patients
As a private patient – also insured with subsidies – with a doctor’s prescription, you, as our direct contractual partner, will receive the invoice with the prescription from us with a payment deadline, in order to submit these documents to your insurance company for reimbursement. We charge you local and market prices for our services. Whether these are fully reimbursed by your insurance company depends on your insurance contract.
Since each health insurance company handles the reimbursement of costs differently, I do not assume any liability for this. However, I am at your disposal if you have any questions.
Legally insured
If you are legally insured, you can either have your doctor prescribe a remedy. In this case, you only have to pay the costs for your own share of the prescription (10% of the value of the prescription + 10 Euros). If your doctor does not issue a prescription, you have the option of a private prescription. In this case, you bear the full cost of the treatment yourself.
Your Team at MonacoPhysio
My professional career:
- 2011 – 2014
GZM- Gesundheitszentrum am Maximiliansplatz - 2014 – 2021
MedicSports München
Cristina Gunz
owner MonacoPhysio
- Osteopath
- Physiotherapist, MSc
- Manual Therapy
- Physical therapy
- Manual lymphatic drainage
- Sports physiotherapy
- Kinesio Taping
- Medical Flossing
- Nordic Walking Instructor
- Team care handball
- since 09/2022 team care LG Stadtwerke München
My name is Cristina Gunz. Sports, movement and working with other people was an important part of my life from an early age. This was a reason for me to want to learn the profession of physiotherapist. After I completed my training as a state-certified physiotherapist in Munich in 2010, further training in manual therapy and manual lymphatic drainage followed, along with experience abroad. In 2014, I then also completed my part-time MSc Physiotherapy studies at the University of Krems.
In addition to my professional activities in the practice, further education has always been enormously important to me. Therefore, I have been in training as an osteopath at SKOM since 2018, and will complete it in 2024. A comprehensive anamnesis and a treatment plan based on it is of great importance for my treatment.
Your Team at MonacoPhysio
My professional career:
- MedicSports München
Alexa Norman
- Physiotherapist, BSc University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town
- Physiotherapy
- Manuel lymphatic drainage
- Physiotherapy on device
- Pelvic Floor physiotherapy for women
- Kinesiotaping
- PhysioPelvica i.A.
- Osteopathy i.A.
My name is Alexa Norman and I graduated with the degree in Physiotherapy from Cape Town in 2015. I have genuine passion for working with people, and I find great fullfillment in helping others. I enjoy treating a wide range of muscolosceletal injuries and conditions. My approach to treatment is always hollistic, focusing not only on relieving pain, but also on enhancing overall well-being and improving quality of life.
„Everythin is connected, and everything matters“
Nadine Rothacker
- Physiotherapist
- Manual lymphatic drainage
- Manual Therapy
My professional career:
- 2003 – 2006
TheraGym Unterföhring - 2006 – 2011
THZ Oberanger - 2011 – 2021
Reha Hopfenpost
Online booking of appointments
As a private patient – also insured with subsidies – with a medical prescription (prescription), you will receive, as our direct contractual partner, the invoice with prescription from us with a payment deadline, in order to submit these documents to your insurance company for reimbursement. We charge you local and market prices for our services. Whether these are fully reimbursed by your insurance company depends on your insurance contract.
Since each health insurance company handles the assumption of costs differently, I assume no liability for this. However, I am at your disposal if you have any questions.
If you have statutory health insurance, you can also obtain a prescription from your doctor. In this case, you only have to pay the costs for your own share of the prescription (10% of the value of the prescription + 10 Euros). If your doctor does not issue a prescription, you have the option of a private prescription. In this case, you bear the full cost of the treatment yourself.
Performance Spectrum:
Physical Therapy
Physiotherapy can be used to treat diseases from almost all medical specialties. The aim of physiotherapy is to improve the body’s ability to function and move through active and passive measures. Active and functional exercises promote mobility, whereas passive mobilization can prevent stiffness and pain. Strengthening exercises can strengthen weakened muscles, improve posture and also coordination. To restore optimal muscular conditions, relaxation exercises are suitable for tense muscles.
Manual Therapy
Manual therapy is a treatment approach in which functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system are examined and treated. Using special hand movements and mobilizations, manual therapy relieves pain and eliminates movement disorders. Before an individual treatment plan can be created, the joint mechanics, muscle function and coordination must be examined.
Passive techniques can be used to gently mobilize restricted joints on the one hand, and unstable joints can be stabilized through individual exercises on the other. Restoring the interplay between joints, muscles and nerves is the goal of manual therapy.
Manual lymphatic Drainage
Manual lymphatic drainage can be carried out by physiotherapists with the appropriate additional qualifications on the prescription of a physician. The aim is to support the disturbed pumping function of the vascular system. The primary purpose of manual lymphatic drainage is to relieve congestion in swollen tissue. Special hand movements are used to move the accumulated fluid in the direction of the responsible lymph nodes. A suction effect, resulting from the stimulation of distant lymph nodes and from breathing, can promote the removal of tissue fluid. As the tissue swells, pain is relieved, the tissue becomes looser and softer, and mobility is significantly improved as a result.
Manual lymphatic drainage is used in many areas:
- Primary or secondary lymphedema of the extremities, e.g.
- ongenital malformations of the lymphatic system
- Edema after surgical procedures, e.g., ablation of the breast
- Traumatic damage
- Hematomas
- Torn ligaments/muscle fibers
- Distorsions
Pelvic floor therapy
Pelvic floor therapy and pelvic floor training are still taboo topics nowadays and not very widespread. Most people always associate it with pregnancy and childbirth, however, the pelvic floor accompanies us throughout our lives.
Pelvic floor therapy is a combination of individually determined exercises and forms of training, which are specifically chosen for the patient’s complaints.
The pelvic floor is an important source of strength for women and men and gives us support, flexibility but also strength through the depth of this musculature.
The following symptoms can be treated by pelvic floor training or therapy:
- Incontinence (involuntary loss of urine)
- Pain and tension in the pelvic floor
- Descent problems
- Irritable bladder
- Rectus diastasis
- Digestive problems
- Cancer follow-up (prostate, uterus, bladder, etc.)
- Lack of strength
- Pregnancy
Regression (in the postpartum period and afterwards)
Through a targeted, individual therapy or training tailored to you, we go together with you the way to a healthy and strong pelvic floor. Whether you are a man or a woman, we will support you through individual consultation, as well as individual training and therapy.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Craniomandibular Dysfunction (CMD)
CMD stands for „Craniomandibular Dysfunction“ and refers to a functional disorder of the masticatory system that results in jaw malposition. The term individually translated means „cranium: skull“, „mandible: lower jaw“ and „dysfunction: malfunction“.
In this case, teeth, jaw joints and the masticatory muscles are affected.
Even a few millimeters missing between the upper and lower jaws so that they meet ideally are enough to cause consequential damage and pain. In many cases, CMD is triggered by incorrect contact between the teeth. These do not interlock with each other, which shifts the position of the temporomandibular joint. The joint is thus brought into a kind of forced position, which can cause very different pains and symptoms.
Die Kiefergelenkstherapie (CMD) ist eine Form der Physiotherapie und Zahnmedizin, die es ermöglicht, funktionelle, strukturelle biomechanische und teils psychische Dysbalancen zu behandeln. Ziel hierbei ist es, eine physiologische Funktionalität, Mobilität und Stabilität zu erreichen. Diese Form der Manuellen Therapie ist eine komplexe, jedoch sehr effektive Behandlungsmethode um die Kiefergelenksfunktionalität wiederherzustellen.
Sports physiotherapy
In sports physiotherapy, the focus is on activity. However, in addition to functional disorders and joint complaints, many other imbalances are also taken into account here, and the body is viewed holistically. Athletes put a lot of stress on muscles, ligaments, joints and other structures, sometimes unfortunately too much. After injuries and surgeries, the goal is to restore function and regain original performance as quickly as possible. This is initiated through targeted and adapted exercises.
Sports physiotherapy as a branch of physiotherapy, includes the prevention and treatment of sports injuries, the care of athletes in training and competition as well as rehabilitation after sports injuries (e.g. prevention of immobilization damage).
Additional Services
Cold therapy
Cold therapy is applied locally to stimulate a reactive increase in blood flow and thus the body’s chemical adaptation processes through non-specific local stimulation. This leads to an improvement of the metabolic situation in the area of application. The effect of cold additionally inhibits the transmission of pain and the sensation of pain.
Heat therapy
Heat therapy is a local, non-specific application. It supports the regulation of muscle tone and pain relief. It causes local overheating of an area and reactively leads to increased blood circulation and stimulation of the immune system. In addition to pain reduction, it is also used for relaxation in general.
Electrotherapy consists of different forms of current that are used for therapeutic measures. In addition to deep heat, there are other modes of action, such as the alleviation of deep-seated inflammatory processes and for pain relief. Electrotherapy can also be used to support the treatment of paralysis and to strengthen muscles.
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089 23719995 or
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